BES KNX Web Server

  • Supply: 230V AC
  • KNX supply: 29V DC from KNX BUS
  • DIN rail mounted (6 modules)

£392.59 + VAT

SKU DS202000 Category Tag


KNX WEB server with remote control support from Ingenium free apps (iOS or Android) and from a web browser. This WEB server includes WiFi connectivity and one RJ45 Ethernet port.

It is possible to visualize KNX projects by plans (configured at SIDEKNX tool) or by rooms (pictures, labels, icons, etc. fully configurable by user from iOS/Android APPs). Support for yearly timings, IFTTT, technical alarms and push notifications.

It also includes arithmetic and logic unit and scripting, and it is fully compatible with Google Home. Possibility of configuration as a Modbus server.


BES Ingenium

Spanish manufacturer of innovative KNX devices including Gateways for integration of multiple 3rd party system devices.