We, at KNX Ireland, are proud to be the channel partner for the Intesis arm of renowned HMS Networks offering customers a wide range of Air Conditioning Interfaces for integration with KNX, BACNET, MODBUS, ASCII and AC-Cloud.
The Intesis brand is particularly exciting boasting over 1 Million AC Interfaces Installed with 100% compatibility on thousands of AC units across 13 major AC Brands including: Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi Heavy, Daikin, Fujitsu and Midea to name a few.

Further to the continued success of the Intesis brand, the newly released Intesis 700 Air Series has been designed to allow engineer selection of the brand and communication protocol at the time of installation. This is particularly useful for BMS applications.

At the core of AC Interfacing is the desire for energy efficiency and sustainability and those in the field of mechanical controls know all to well that a strategic control solution can yield up to 30% reduction in running costs! The following breakdown is a extract from the Intesis AC Interface Whitepaper:
According to the AC industry benchmark, a standard split unit consumes 353 kWh per year in cool mode and 1.594 kWh in heat mode, resulting in total annual energy consumption of 1.947 kWh. Several HMS customers report energy savings between 20-45% using Intesis AC interfaces in the retail sector. Assuming an average of 30% energy savings, the saving on one split unit equates to 0.58 Kwh.
Using a typical energy cost of £0.34 p/kwh as of Oct 2023, this saving is roughly 20p per/kwh. Considering 1 x Retail based AC unit running 8 hours per day and 6 days per week throughout the year (2496 hours p/annum), the annual saving equates to: 1447.68 Kwh / £289.53. In terms of return on investment, this is less than 1 years per AC Unit.
If that didn’t convince you that you NEED to Interface and strategically control your AC Units, then consider the other USP’s of the Intesis brand: Reliable Solutions, Easy to Deploy & Use and Scalable from retail shop to MDU.
For more information including sales, contact us on the below form otherwise you feel free to use the HMS Intesis Compatibility Tool and purchase directly from our Online Shop.