DALI Lighting Control Ireland

DALI Lighting Control Ireland

DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. It is a 2-way communications protocol that is used to provide control over, and communication between, the components in a lighting system. DALI originated in the late 1990s and was defined in IEC60929. Since then it has been substantially modified. The current (2020) version of DALI is called DALI-2 and this is defined in IEC62386.

Features of DALI

  • It is an open protocol – any manufacturer can use it.
  • With DALI-2 interoperability between manufacturers is guaranteed by mandatory certification procedures.
  • Installation is simple. Power and control lines can be laid together and no shielding is required.
  • The wiring topology can be in the form of a star (hub & spoke), a tree or a line, or any combination of these.
  • Communication is digital, not analogue, so the exact same dimming values can be received by multiple devices resulting in very stable and precise dimming performance.
  • All devices have their own unique address in the system opening a very wide range of possibilities for flexible control.

At KNX Ireland, we don’t just specialise in KNX controls but also cater to full DALI installation, programming, commissioning and maintenance throughout Ireland. Our choice of DALI Master / Application Controller is KNX based and sits on the KNX TP Backbone which opens up a range of versatility over conventional DALI Master Controllers. These benefits include:

  • Dual functionality of presence detectors
  • Ease of monitoring systems (BMS)
  • Integration with other BMS and building services
  • Scalable to any size
  • Faster commissioning of ECG’s
  • Comprehensive ECG testing and reporting on condition of Emergency ECG’s

To learn more about KNX Ireland and our DALI service offerings, please contact our sales office at [email protected]

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