
Category Archives: KNX

Motion Vs Presence Detection

Different applications require different solutions and the world of detection is all too familiar with this notion. This short article will provide an explanation as to what exactly is the difference between Motion Detection and Presence Detection. Motion Detection is generally less sensitive and designed to detect larger ranges of motion such as an arm […]

DALI Lighting Control Ireland

DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. It is a 2-way communications protocol that is used to provide control over, and communication between, the components in a lighting system. DALI originated in the late 1990s and was defined in IEC60929. Since then it has been substantially modified. The current (2020) version of DALI is called […]

Plumbing Manifold Integration

Most modern home heating systems use what’s known as a ‘Manifold’ which allows separate zones in the home to be isolated and controlled manually. Manifolds are typically grouped to operate as ‘all on’ or ‘all off’ but thanks to KNX you now have the ability to independently control zones throughout your house. KNX allows this […]

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