A VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) is a Laser based smoke detection system. The name VESDA has become a generic name for most air sampling applications but is a trademark of Xtralis.
A VESDA detector is similar to a vacuum cleaner in that it sucks air from the protected environment via purpose built aspirating pipes and fittings, into a laser detection chamber.

A VESDA system is in turn connected to a Fire Alarm Panel (FAP) with consideration for current Fire Alarm Regulation. The FAP is then in turn used to signal sounders and strobes for alerting residents of the building.
Through the use of KNX, we can monitor the relay states (in addition to the FAP) and subsequently use this data to trigger push notifications, BMS alarms and third party monitoring.

For more information on VESDA Air Sampling Systems and KNX, contact our projects Team.