Loxone or KNX

Loxone or KNX

Prospective clients regularly ask us about other systems on the market, how they compare and why KNX is the globally accepted standard for smart building automation. One of such systems is Loxone, a proprietary system distributed and programmed through it’s distribution network of partners.

So how do the two system’s compare?

International Standard for Smart AutomationRelatively New to the market
Not brand specific (Open Source)Brand Specific (limited Device options)
Proven & TrustedStill developing
Star Topology with Standardised Bus CableStar Topology with single purpose Cable
Requires an Integrator to installCan be installed by the end user
Unlimited Devices & PossibilitiesLimited Devices & Functions
No single point of failureServer is a central point of failure
Several Central Control OptionsLimited to one Central Control Option
Marginally more expensivePrides on cost effective through limitations

Ultimately, KNX allows for a greater level of control and functionality with endless gateways and integrations to third party systems including IOT developments. KNX is also more robust in that it has no single point of failure which is crucial when incorporating security devices (Intruder Alarm, CCTV, etc…).

Given that KNX is globally accepted and used, the level of development and innovation is significantly more so than that of Loxone which lends itself to an ever changing world and especially so with IOT (Internet of things). For example: KNX allows the end user to add and control home appliances as a networked part of the KNX installation.

Hopefully this guide has helped, however please feel free to contact our Integrations team if you need more clarification.

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